Dublin Lodge up again for sale, price lowered to $65mil

Free rental landed property development Dublin Lodge has recently once more gotten offered through EOI for a decreased list price of $Sixty Five million.

The Area 9 development was formerly marketed in February, with the retain rate fixed at $Sixty Seven point Five mil.

Considered to be around 35-years old, the property development is positioned at a discreet dead end at Dublin Rd. It at this point has 8 strata terraces alongside floor sizes of among 2hundred 38 square m and 2,583 sq ft

19 Nassim condominium

Dublin Lodge covers a Two thousand Five hundred Ten square m spot that is sectioned for residential purpose beneath the 2019 Master Plan. The development is at the same time amongst the 2 level varying private area.

Promoting and marketing professional C & W pointed out the location may be reconstructed into a solo detached house or even be partitioned into 10 unique terraces, based on the consent of essential authorities.

” This is definitely a convincing option to secure a charming asset given that landed house business opportunities found at the edge of Orchard Road are infrequent,” claimed Christina Sim, Director of Capital Mkts at C & W.

” Its elite core place, freehold tenure furthermore most of all, its desirable address will be incredibly demanded.”

Distinctly, Dublin Lodge is close to Somerset train Terminal and is a 10 min commute to the Central Business District.

Sim included that considering that all 8 proprietors have indeed agreed to the transaction, there is zero need to apply to the STB for a deal request.

The EOI action for Dublin Lodge concludes on 4January’22.

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