1,521 Flats Sold Under HDB’s Open Booking Scheme

A total of 1.521K flats have gotten transacted in the release selection system ever since its launch during June2019, announced Minister of State for National Development KH Tan during Parliament on 2nd Mar.

He was responding to MP TP Gan who questioned the amount of Housing and Development Board flats marketed under the available selection program from its launch.

The available selection scheme enables residential property applicants “to obtain a flat on the net, plus attain their flat choice scheduled time with a first-come-first-served schedule, that might be as early as the subsequent operating day”.

Tan shared a totality of Forty-six 2 room Flexi public housing, Two hundred Seventy-three three room flats, 6hundred 1 four room flats, Five hundred and Ninety-seven 5 room/ 3Generation flats, and also 4 Exec flats have already gotten booked as of 22 Feb 2K21 under the available booking procedure.

Gan also consulted if Housing and Development Board would consider inserting a new supply of public housing extra frequently in addition to boost the quantity of flats available within the program.

To this, Tan mentioned that Housing and Development Board, already, “holds available scheduling double a year to inject a new stock of public housing. The majority of flats put forward within the release booking originated from the group of public housing which stay left out following the two times yearly Sale of Balance Flats exercises”.

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He add on that Housing and Development Board has been checking out tactics to put forward a bit more public housing by means of available booking.

Housing and Development Board, for example, has actually stopped the Re-Offer of Balance Flat exercises after February2K20 in order that higher unchosen public housing out of the SBF exercises can be given without delay by means of release booking, he stated.

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